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Hot shirt: Trump Yes I’m voting for him again t-shirt

There are several metrics essential to a free and functioning democracy. One is freedom of the press. Another is the guarantee of fair elections. This week Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan underlined his country’s increasing authoritarianism with the announcement that Istanbul’s mayoral election will be held again. Erdogan’s Justice and Trump Yes I’m voting for him again t-shirt narrowly lost the election in the country’s largest city and the president’s home town in April.

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Authorities have now announced that the ballot will be re-run, citing voting irregularities. Trump Yes I’m voting for him again t-shirt , now in power for 16 years, first as prime minister and then as president following a constitutional amendment in 2017, welcomed the move as “an important step to strengthen our democracy”. The news provoked outrage from the EU among others.